Sunday, November 11, 2007

Life's Tapestry

Viewing our lives as a tapestry, from the front of the tapestry, there is a beautiful picture. It is made up of many different colors of thread to form a lovely scene or picture. But, turn the tapestry over and you cannot tell what the picture on the front looks like. Furthermore, the back view just looks like a mess of knots and threads, seemingly arranged without rhyme or reason. I believe that sometimes we are only looking at our lives from the back. All we see are the knots, the problems, the hanging threads, and the unresolved issues in our lives. But take heart! There is a beautiful picture being created on the front.

If just one of the threads were to be pulled out, the picture would be incomplete. It would not be the picture it was meant to be. So it is with our lives. Each and every experience, every difficulty and lesson works together to weave the picture of our life. We would not be the person we are without every single thread; every unique lesson.

If you choose to view the experiences, the difficulties, the bad days of life as a way of teaching and helping you to grow, you are the better for it. Not only you, but those that you come in contact with are given the opportunity to learn from your life tapestry.

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